Tuesday 27 June 2017

Your Unique Purpose and How to Discover it

There comes a time in everyone’s life when you start to question your true purpose on this planet. 

For me, that time has come and has pretty much slapped me right in the face – repeatedly.

My beginnings were humble for sure.  Raised on a farm, I’m grateful for the work ethic taught in the fields alongside my siblings from an early age.  My first paying job was in a restaurant at age fifteen, followed by many positions through my adulthood…all stepping stones leading through a long and varied career in social service management. 

Unbelievably, at the age of sixty-five, I find myself still pondering the prospect of my purpose.

Certainly not ready to retire, and unsure of what direction to take while still healthy and energetic enough to work, I know I’m not alone in the quest to find purpose and meaning. 

What I’ve found through my search for meaningful employment at this stage in life is that we face a challenge:  we’ve experienced a LOT along our path.  Our resumes could easily read ‘Overqualified’ and worse still, possibly even ‘Outdated,’ especially considering how fast technology moves.

All that valuable experience isn’t enough or ‘the right stuff’ to get us seasoned professional silver foxes hired in an increasingly competitive industry. 

Remember that ‘reality’ I mentioned at the beginning…

Here it comes…the dreaded “if only:”  Oh, if I had only paid more attention to the advice of financial planners offered years ago…I certainly would have planned for my future a little differently.

Now the reality of straying from that wise advice is right up close and personal and requires some action on my part.

I have this solution to offer those in the same boat:  Start a Home Based, Online business of your own.

I recently started my own business once again doing something I love to do:  helping others gain confidence through the multi-med therapy anti-aging skin care line developed by Rodan and Fields. 

Here’s the icing on the cake:  I also help people achieve their goals and dreams by creating a business that can provide a secondary income to those of us facing our Golden Years. 

It’s not too late for you either. 

Just think about how awesome freedom would feel – create your own schedule, work from the comfort of your home, or your boat by building your own online business…the ticket to making your Golden Years, Golden. 

Ask me how to get started today.